NEW MUSIC: Sakuraburst – Forest Of The Spirits (Akame Remix)

For reference, this is a remix on a track by UK producer Sakuraburst than came out almost one year ago. There’s some heavy reference in there to Princess Mononoke and these little guys. Eventually, Sakuraburst’s track does get a little to rough in the end, maybe.

Akame’s version is a take that’s easy to put under the ‘bass’ tab. And so many bass tracks get sent through either email, soundcloud or submithub. Many – even though they’re truly well produced – start to sound the same, there’s a lot of producers working on those particular subgenres of bass music right now. Which unfortunately means for a large number of producers that their work isn’t all that original any more. Which hurts an otherwise very talented artist, their sound is standardized.

So what stands out in this track is the fact that Akame cuts out the rough stuff from the original and works with samples that sound a little friendlier. There’s a large emphasis on music itself, rather than production techniques and sounds. Which makes this one just better in the long run.


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