NEW MUSIC: REZarin, Avenc & Richard Woods – Come Alive

Be sure to get past those first thirty seconds on Latvia’s REZavin, Avenc and Richard Woords’ ‘Come Alive’. The track was originally premiered through Day Dose Of House last week, and it has been a guilty pleasure on replay for the rest of the week.

Originality might not be the strong side to this production – exactly why this track wasn’t going to be posted initially. ‘Come Alive’ resembles some recent big international scores by artists such as Jay Hardway or Don Diablo. Yet – assuming the Latvian producers are actually influenced by mainstream astists like these at all – ‘Come Alive’ does more than just mimic a certain production template. It sounds well produced and pretty addictive. Just took us a week of listening to realize.

Featured Image REZarin / Facebook


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