NEW MUSIC: Mass Gothic – Every Night You’ve Got to Save Me

Okay not that new, but still a really good project to put on – even a year later. Once the creative force behind New York band Hooray For Earth – Noel Heroux now is a versatile singer/songwriter known as Mass Gothic.

His track ‘Every Night You’ve Got To Save Me’ was released around a year ago. Much more recently Mass Gothic released a new version that one track titled ‘Every Night I’m Born’. Both sound like a day and night version of the same idea. Heroux explains: “Attitudes musical, personal and political have shifted for us in the elapsed year….since original release last January each live performance moved further away from the cheeky jaunt of the original toward this more reflective version.”

Both are up for streaming below. The original is still a free track, ‘Every Night I’m Born’ is worth putting down a few dollars for. All proceerds go to Callen-Lorde Community Health Center, which provides health care for New York’s lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender communities regardless of ability to pay. More info HERE.

Featured image Mass Gothic


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